The most popular library used with the Angular framework for reactive programming is RxJS, which introduces itself on the official site as follows:

RxJS is a library for reactive programming using Observables, to make it easier to compose asynchronous or callback-based code.

By subscribing to Observable we are connecting to the data source so that the handler we set will be called each time a new value is emitted. Since a subscription by default does not have a fixed ‘expiration date‘, we need to take care to terminate it at the right time to avoid memory leaks. Let’s take a look at some ideas on how we can end a subscription.


    map(data => // get data),
    takeWhile(data => !data)

The subscription is active as long as the date is empty (or more precisely, is null, NaN, 0, an empty string, or undefined).

    takeWhile(val => val <= 4)

The subscription works as long as the received value from the stream is less than or equal to 4.



The subscription ends when the first value is received.

You can find more filter operators in the official RxJS documentation.

Implement decorator function

A way to bypass having to call unsubscribe for every subscription in a class is to implement a decorator.

export const AutoUnsubscribe = (constructor: Function) => {
  const original = constructor.prototype.ngOnDestroy;

  if (typeof original !== 'function') {
    throw new Error(
      `${} is using @AutoUnsubscribe but does not implement ngOnDestroy`

  constructor.prototype.ngOnDestroy = function() {
    for (const prop in this) {
      if (typeof this[prop]?.unsubscribe === 'function') {
    original.apply(this, arguments);

We need to add @AutoUnsubscribe() before the class, ngOnDestroy() must be present.

export class MyComponent implements OnDestroy, OnInit {
  protected subscription: Subscription;

  ngOnInit() {
    this.subscription = ...
  ngOnDestroy() {} // must be present

When does the subscription automatically end?

Subscription ends automatically when an Observable issues an OnError or OnComplete notification to its observers.

Knowing how to use RxJS is a must have when developing Angular-based applications, so let this article be a motivation for anyone to further their knowledge of reactive programming.